♣ Chillout HipHop Megalist - Listen Spotify Playlists
♣ Chillout HipHop Megalist

  • Uploaded on Oct 01, 2013
  • 475 Times Played
  •  Big T
  • 3140 Tracks

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If you're looking for something you can chillout to, you just found it! There are over 1,000+ of the best chilled out, laid-back, smooth & soulful hiphop tracks of the last 25 years.

I got everything from classic 90's to current day....Top artists & underground, popular hits & plenty of hidden gems that never hit the radio. East Coast, West Coast & South... it's all represented.

My only criteria for this list?
It has to be the kinda track you can kick back and chillout too!

There are no overly fast paced club tracks or hardcore bangers on here. I got love for those too, but this list is strictly for chilling out. I constantly keep going through this playlist and adding more tracks all the time.

Don't sleep on this list, it's guaranteed to have plenty you love. You may even find some tracks you never heard before.

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