Just Cry, Sad Songs - Listen Spotify Playlists
Just Cry, Sad Songs

  •  Carlos López Casany
  • 366973 Seguidores
  • 135 Canciones

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The saddest playlist on Spotify, ‘Just Cry, Sad Songs’, achieved the great amount of 400k followers. It’s been 3 years of shared tears and musical masochism… And the search of the saddest tunes continues.

Everyone of us feels blue now and then, and we live in the culture of evading the hard feelings and always try to be a happy human being. The thing is, sometimes it’s wrong to escape from the things that let us down, instead we have to cry to understand them and give a good fight back to whatever is messing with our lives. Taking that as the headline, this playlist was made and curated with care to press that little buttons you need in that sad feeling sphere.

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