Lorenzo Gabanizza king of country music - Listen Spotify Playlists
Lorenzo Gabanizza king of country music

  • Uploaded on May 30, 2020
  • 409 Times Played
  •  Alterik Finn

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Talented enough to make music with heavy hitters: Donovan, Christie, and Vic Elmes to name a few, Lorenzo Gabanizza is building a reputation and fan base. Gabanizza is a veteran in the music world but even after all these years and all his success, he still manages to keep the affection for his fans alive. All his life he’s been called “a peoples person” as he gets along with everyone, and is always willing to give his last, even to help a stranger. His life and humor is a blessing to all, and you can hear it in his music.

Lorenzo latest project: “All the words we never said” reached over 2000 streams in just two days, immediately entering the 22nd place on the European Country Academy Chart. The song is very enjoyable to the ears, and beautiful enough to feel in your heart which is why music lovers are taking to it. “All the words we never said” is streaming on all major platforms.

Listen & follow

www.instagram.com/lorenzo.gabanizza/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMIvHMXPAPAYcK_0631qRdw https://www.facebook.com/gabanizzaofficial

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