Ora sounds - Listen Spotify Playlists
Ora sounds

  • Uploaded on Jun 28, 2021
  • 400 Times Played
  •  Ora Collective
  • 24 Tracks

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Introducing Ora Sounds.
An evolving playlist to accompany you through your days.

Unobtrusive sounds to inspire creativity and help you focus on work.

Ambient music for when you meditate, journal or chill out.

A delicate experience of sound.

“Each of these songs is a dream, is a story, is a piece making up a continuum, a thread of sound to weave through your day. Treading that boundary between known and unknown, thought and inspiration, dreaming and waking.”

“Waking from one dream to the next; a type of cascading, for example, one I’ve had many times over, of swimming, deep in the ocean, the sheer joy as I push myself forward deeply inhaling the water.”

“Meaningful dream fragments like these, I carry through the day, they give me a sense of calm, of peace, and a quiet strength in the waking world. I am full with these pieces in their spilling over mismatched tumble. I sometimes confuse my dreams for memories, and the other way around.”

“Imagine then the multitude of stories each living being has inside, the ones we’ve lived, the ones we’ve dreamed, the ones we’ve forgotten, the ones passed down, the calling, the ones telling our story, singing our steps into the future, as our past echoes out.”

Eric Maltz
Multi-instrumentalist, pianist & synthesist

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