FEMALE/ MALE 2-PIECE BANDS - Listen Spotify Playlists

  • blackmarket  blackmarket
  • 52 Tracks

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Brand new! Thrilling, terrific, banging rock and shoegaze from female/male 2-piece bands! The only public playlist on Spotify that spotlights current female/male duos from these genres under the radar! (according to my research)

No one-off duets, but "real" 2-piece bands! Alternative and indie rock, shoegaze, just cool music. These duos rock like hell and take us to other spheres.

Playlistcover: FALSE LEFTY - three drums, three strings. that's all it needs.
Photo by Holger Nitschke

With hard hitting rock duos such as (among others): Friendship Commanders, STAR DAME, Sun Q, The Meffs, Black Holes, Yur Mum, Silver Liz, When Rivers Meet, LOVELORN DOLLS, AlphaWhores, Dollop, Broken Baby, Hooked Like Helen, SLAP RASH, WAVEBOMB and many more

And from the shoegaze genre fantastic duos like Headgazer, Wynona, Submotile, The Journals Kept, Thank You Lord For Satan, The Know, SUIR, Ginger AF, Phospene and more

52 songs/ bands to discover (as of today), submissions welcome (current songs only). Up-and-coming bands and current songs only, updated regulary, hand-curated.

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