SOULFUL ELECTRONICA • BABELE LIBRARY • focus - Listen Spotify Playlists

  • Irene Neri Irene Neri
  • 116 Tracks

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Electronic odyssey.
Liminal Spaces.
Enigmatic depths.

A playlist designed to fuel your study sessions with an otherworldly blend of psychedelic beats and mystic vibes.
Let the ethereal rhythms guide your focus, creating an immersive sonic backdrop.
Unearth a realm where pulsating synths meet mind-bending soundscapes, weaving a tapestry of auditory intrigue. Elevate your study experience with this mesmerizing fusion of the mysterious and the hypnotic, where each track is a portal to a transcendent state of concentration.
Immerse yourself in the mystical groove and unlock the door to limitless productivity.

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