tones built and freelease - Listen Spotify Playlists
tones built and freelease

  • Uploaded on Apr 24, 2013
  • 410 Times Played
  •  Charlie Innis
  • 9 Tracks

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Fairytale melodies stand nobly in an impenetrable central position while noisy synthetic ruin looms about in the surroundings. 

Let\'s get real here: It\'s demanding to stand so still in such a technological wasteland. 
Harshness buzzes around it like swarms of bees. Cruelty, loss, uncertainty, these are realities of a fulfilled life and how ironic it is that they can manifest themselves into such beautifully disarming noises. Like unexpected cold hands that brush against your forearms, these noises intrude upon us and are just so...however innocent...unsettling! 
In view of such obstacles at times you may find itself at a loss. It\'s just so easy to give up, throw down your cell phones and daily planners and cry; cry cry cry your eyes out. However, in wake of such never-ending discomfort towards the world, the melodies are resilient! Their resolve is to be free and don\'t we all feel the same? After much discord they traverse over the many humps and dive headfirst into a deluge of fleeting release and blissful melancholy. Finally it can see.

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