Vivaldi: The Complete Works - Listen Spotify Playlists
Vivaldi: The Complete Works

  • Uploaded on Sep 03, 2013
  • 440 Times Played
  •  Tommy Westers
  • 0 Tracks

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Antonio Vivaldi holds his place as one of the greatest composers there ever was. "The Red Priest" was an Italian Baroque composer and a virtuoso violinist. The likes of Bach held him as a great inspiration.

It might seem a daunting task creating a playlist called Vivaldi: The Complete Works (he composed several thousands of pieces). But I can be a tiny bit fanatic when it comes to playlists sometimes so...

I've spent many hours of late compiling this, and I must admit it's not entirely complete (but it's pretty darn close). I have hunted through the darkest corners of the vast library that is Spotify to find every RV (Ryom Verzeichnis, the catalog of Vivaldi's work created by Peter Ryom) and a few here and there still escapes me.

So, now, I ask of all you Vivaldians out there to help me. If you find a composition that is not on this list please send it to me, or if you prefer a recording over my choice just tell me. Help me to perfect this. The master deserves it.

And enjoy!

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