Pulp Fiction 20th and 20 othersTarantino's shots - Listen Spotify Playlists
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Pulp Fiction 20th and 20 othersTarantino's shots

  • Uploaded on Jun 20, 2015
  • 425 Times Played
  •  Radio Mestre
  • 43 Tracks

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20 years ago, Tarantino won Palme d'Or in Cannes with Pulp Fiction. Would you like to listen this amazing soundtrack again?

Do you remember when you met Vincent Vega, Mia Wallace, Jules, Butch, Marcellus, the man with the watch in the ass and Mr. Wolf. I remember them like it was yesterday.

I added other 20 shots (songs) from other films of Tarantino.

Una película y una banda sonora a recordar durante toda la vida, a que te dan ganas de recordarla.

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Digital Illustration of Uma Thurman in Pop Art style by French Design Atelier – Nokat.Eu

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