Fantasy DND RPG Reading Writing Background Ambiance ????????????️⚔ - Listen Spotify Playlists
Fantasy DND RPG Reading Writing Background Ambiance ????????????️⚔

  •  Cristina Clark
  • 25 Suiveurs
  • 8934 Chansons

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Hi friends! I recently dove head first into full time authorship! This posed some challenges as a woman with ADHD, so I created a HUGE 100% Fantasy playlist to help my focus and it works!! I listen to it while I am writing, while I’m reading (HIGHLY SUGGEST THIS ITS SO COOL), while I’m playing video games or tabletop games, and even for a good fantasy meditation sesh! It is MAINLY instrumental, full to the brim with nature noises, tavern tunes, Nordic chants, sea shanty’s, entire movie scores, anime music, lutes, harps, ENYAAA, elven choruses, rain on a pirate ship!? and that’s just to name a few. Throw it on SHUFFLE for a unique and immersive experience every time! It will be the only thing I listen to as I research and write my books to fully immerse myself in the fantasy mindset and to stay focused, and I will be updating it frequently! It’s got 600+ hours and over 8,900 songs, it’s got so many of my favorite things in it, is bound to have something everyone loves, and features diverse artists of all nationalities so please check it out! Give it a listen, a share, and a follow on Spotify and come along my journey with me!! Click the link below to Spotify- it’s named Fantasy DND RPG Reading Writing Background Ambiance ???????? ????️⚔️????????‍♀️ by me Cristina

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